If you need police and you are not on campus you can dial 911 from any cellphone or landline.
If you are on campus, you can reach the Florida International University Police Department at 305-348-2626 for non-emergencies or 305-348-5911 for emergencies. FIU has a police department that provides a full range of services with very quick response times. If you are on campus, late in the evening, and feel you need an escort; please call FIUPD they will get you one.
If you leave your valuables in your hotel room leave them in a safe.
Make copies of your ID and credit cards. In case you should you lose it, you will still have important information handy. A good idea is to photograph it and safe it on your smart phone in a stand alone folder.
Only carry the cash that you will need with you. Leave some in your room safe.
If you do have large sums of cash do not display it in public. Avoid making yourself a target.
If you carry a purse or bag, keep it closed and secured under your arm or in front of your torso when possible.
Be alert and aware. Be aware of your environment. It is always best to avoid uncomfortable situations by using well lit streets at night. Pay attention to what is going on around you regarding traffic and people. Trust your instincts!
When using ride sharing confirm the identity of your driver.
Do not walk around town with conference badges.
When possible travel in groups. There is safety in numbers. Most assaults happen to lone victims.
Avoid street solicitors. If you want to be philanthropic donate to a charitable institution.
When in your hotel, at a restaurant, or really just anywhere; be aware of your exits.
If you have a car, park in well lit areas. Remember where you parked. You can even take a picture of the location or set a wayfinding point on your smartphone so you will remember.
You are in South Florida, pay attention to the local weather for severe storm alerts and even Hurricanes. If a Hurricane is forecast to hit South Florida, make early decisions on your travel arrangements. You do not want to get stuck.
For Conference attendees who are staying on the FIU campus, please check the below Hurricane Preparedness Resources: