Planning for College
Thinking ahead for your future? We're honored to be among your college picks. See Admissions Standards to figure out what it takes to get into FIU. High school seniors may apply to FIU as early as July of their senior year. Apply as a First Year Applicant to get started. If you aren't ready to apply yet, FIU offers college preparatory programs for K-12 students as well.

Dual Enrollment
FIU offers several dual enrollment programs for students to take college courses while still earning their high school diploma. Classes are available on the FIU campuses, in participating high schools and online. Specialized programs for high-achieving 11th and 12th graders are available as well.
We're Here to Help
Get guidance from application to graduation. Visit the I’m First website or talk with an FIU admissions counselor for advice on your FIU journey.
Micro Scholarships
Start earning scholarship money as early as your first year in high school with Raise.Me.
FIU is one of over 100 U.S. universities participating in Raise.Me to let high school students earn micro scholarships for their hard work. With the scholarship, students can earn:
- $4 for every hour of community service completed (50 hours minimum)
- $50 for each extracurricular activity per school year (at least 2 hours per week of participation, up to $400 maximum)
- $55 for each “A” grade earned
- $250 for each Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate course taken
- $350 in scholarships for taking an official FIU campus tour
Visit Scholarships for requirements or visit Raise.Me to start earning money for FIU.
Early Admission
Exceptional high school juniors may request early admission to FIU. Students who qualify for early admission do not complete their senior year of high school or earn their high school diploma; instead, they begin their first year of college at FIU.
- A written statement explaining why you are requesting early admission
- An official high school transcript including grades 9, 10 and 11
- An overall academic average of 4.0 on required high school units
- An SAT score of 1380 (combined Verbal, Math, and Writing) or an ACT composite score of 29 is required
- A letter from your high school principal or guidance counselor stating specific reasons why you would benefit more from early admission to college than from completing your senior year of high school