FIU like you’ve never seen it before
Experience FIU through the eyes of our students. FIU is the first state university in Florida to be featured on The College Tour, the new series on Amazon Prime that's helping students and their families virtually visit colleges all over the country. Tune in to see what academic life in the Magic City is like.
Stats and rankings are impressive, but they fail to tell the whole FIU story—the real story. Behind every one of FIU's triumphs are real individuals with real goals and responsibilities, rooted in the realities of what is happening in the world today.
The FIU episode of The College Tour is now available on and other streaming services.
Featured Students
In the FIU episode of the College Tour, you’ll meet students who continuously achieve REAL TRIUMPHS.

Kehinde Alawode
Engineering, graduate student, NigeriaKehinde is conducting research to improve hurricane readiness at FIU’s Wall of Wind (WOW), a large-scale hurricane simulator capable of generating 157 mph wind speeds with rain intrusion. WOW’s state-of-the-art testing has led to improved codes and safer buildings.

Amelia Raudales
Honors college, senior, Miami, FLWith the help of StartUp FIU, Amelia, an Honors College Scholar, is working to develop an app that makes charitable giving more convenient across digital platforms.

Binta Olabasi
Economics, NigeriaA recent alumna, Binta, touts the diverse student body that facilitated a global learning experience, helping shape who she is today.

Brittany Schick
Social Work, graduate, Palm Bay, FLAspiring clinician, Brittany, shares the on-the-ground experience she has gained and how FIU has been instrumental in her many achievements.

Bryan Hernandez
Law, 3rd year, Los Angeles, CAWith more than 20 years of service with the Army, Bryan discusses how one of the top universities for veterans provides a unique and supportive learning experience for its law students.

Carlos Vasco
Nursing, alum, Havana, CubaInspired by his surgeon uncle, Carlos takes us through his journey to becoming a nurse anesthetist and joining the front lines of the fight against COVID-19.

D’Andria Hollins
Biology, senior, Orlando, FLD’Andria shares how FIU helped hone her academic focus and prepare her to be a champion for social and environmental justice.

Delaney Dockstader
Psychology, sophomore, St. Petersburg, FLDelaney’s story centers around her on-campus experience and how being part of such a diverse student body has influenced the person she is today.

Juliana Cazzaniga
Biology, natural and applied sciences, chemistry, alumna, Miami, FLJuliana, an Honors College Scholar, tells how one of the largest Hispanic serving institutions can provide multiple scholarship and undergraduate research opportunities.

Khaleel Martin
Law, 2nd year, Fort Lauderdale, FLAspiring in-house counsel for a professional sports organization, Khaleel discusses the many sporting and recreational opportunities available to students on-and-off campus.

Krista Schmidt
Law, Miami, FLKrista shares how FIU is an economic engine and community-serving institution in Miami.

Leeanne Grunow
Hospitality, alum, Jupiter, FLThrough study abroad programs and opportunities like the Food Network and Cooking Channel Wine & Food Festival, Leeanne tells us how her love of hospitality flourished in the Magic City and abroad.
Matheus Stancati
Architecture, alum, Campinas, BrazilMatheus tells how his experience at FIU prepared him for architectural and design challenges in the 21st century through innovation and initiatives like Walk on Water—a more than 30-year tradition where architecture students are tasked with crafting footwear that allows them to walk across a university lake.

Morganne Stephenson
Public relations, senior, Kingston, JamaicaMorganne walks us through everything Biscayne Bay Campus has to offer and how she was able to write her own story using the resources available at FIU.

Nicole Strickland
Ecology, graduate student, Detroit, MINicole’s passion for ecological sustainability is being fostered through FIU’s many research opportunities, including FIU’s Aquarius Reef Base, the only underwater research lab in the world.

Prachi Lalwani
International relations, junior, VenezuelaFueled by personal experience, Prachi discusses how FIU is preparing her to be a leader for social justice through programs like Model UN, which is consistently ranked top in the country.

Rahul Mittal
Computer science, alumnus, Indore, IndiaRahul shares his on-campus experience and the opportunities provided to him through the FIU, like participating in Shellhacks, the largest hack-a-thon event in Florida.

Shadya Muvdi
Theater, alum, Miami, FLBorn and raised in Miami, Shadya highlights the full-spectrum of arts available for Panthers on campus.

Tanith Brauner
Hospitality, graduate student, Berlin, GermanyTanith discusses her unique experience in a hospitality course led by David Grutman, one of Miami’s leading hospitality entrepreneurs, and the other offerings available at a university located in one of the world’s tourism capitals.
Check out some behind-the-scenes photos

Alex Boylan, host of The College Tour, filming a segment with the FIU mascot and cheer and dance teams outside of the College of Arts, Sciences and Education building.

Juliana Cazzaniga walks around Florida International University’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus with classmates as she films her segment.

A group of students gathered at a work station while production crew prepares to film

Carlos Vasco prepares for his shot in a simulated emergency room setting at the Simulation Teaching and Research Center at FIU’s Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences.

Bryan Hernandez waits to film his segment for The College Tour as the production team prepares for the shot.

Delaney Dockstader (right) waits as production reviews footage between takes.

Kehinda Alawode prepares to film his segment at FIU’s Wall of Wind.

D’andria Hollins films her segment at the courtyard outside of Academic Health Center 3.

Britney Shick films her segment of The College Tour outside of Academic Health Center 5 at Florida International University.